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I run the Privacy Gift Shop. An online marketplace for countersurveillance art and privacy products; and develop CV Dazzle. Drones and Concealment at Villa Empain. The Art of Countersurveillance at Forensecure. Utah Museum of Contemporary Art. School of the Museum of Fine Arts.
Providing a safe space in nature. In-browser video chat application using WebRTC. A series of art and technology events dedicated to exploring and providing forms of protection from surveillance. Imagining a near future in which networks of autonomous robots roam the skies. An open platform for dumb apps for dumb phones. A free paper for free people.
St Louis The Cortex District AUGUST 17 - 19. ART HACK DAY IS AN EVENT FOR HACKERS WHOSE MEDIUM IS ART AND ARTISTS WHOSE MEDIUM IS TECHNOLOGY LEARN MORE. AUGUST 17 - 19, 2017. St Louis The Cortex District. MARCH 24 - 26, 2017. SEPTEMBER 30 - OCTOBER 2, 2016. SEPTEMBER 15 - 17, 2016. JANUARY 29 - 31, 2015. NOVEMBER 13 - 15, 2014. AUGUST 28 - 30, 2014. JANUARY 27 - 29, 2014. SEPTEMBER 26 - 28, 2013. MARCH 20 - 26, 2013. FEBRUARY 28 - MARCH 2, 2013. DECEMBER 13 - 15, 2012.
Share messages and files with others nearby. Build it yourself and keep your stuff off the cloud. Help define a new network. Join the discussion about how to build Occupy. here router is a LAN island in an archipelago of affiliated websites. The project has developed in parallel with the Occupy movement and seeks to offer a network of virtual spaces where both committed activists and casual supporters can communicate. Since Liberty Square has been cleared and the Occu.
I am a curious web-cartographer and coder in Brooklyn, NYC. Right now, I work at the Mozilla Science Lab. I also co-lead the NYC chapter of Girl Develop It. Teach web-programming at Parsons-J D. And give talks on geospatial tech at conferences. Previously, I was a lab tech in libraries. A map scientist at Carto. Host, and a curator of curiosities at That Belongs in a Museum. Learn more in my CV. Or check the links at right and the buttons above.
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Monday, March 02, 2009. Nu aveti ce sa vedeti la televizor? V-ati saturat de analisti-comentatori care habar nu au câte urechi au? V-ati saturat sa asteptati ca guvernul Boc sa înceapa sa lucreze? Ati obosit sa ghiciti cine va fi ministru de interne saptamana viitoare? Înainte sa emigrati,încercati. Lista anti-depresie a lui Stash. Au scapat toate animalele! .
Duminică, 4 martie 2018.
SÄ fi fost prin a 11-a. Undeva à n primÄ varÄ . Nu È tiu sigur, oricum, 2004, prima parte. Nu m-a impresionat niciodatÄ Zombie de la The Cranberries.
AURELIAN RIDGE- Elevage du Rhodesian Ridgeback. Informations utiles aux personnes intéressées et aux acquéreurs potentiels. Les chiots ont grandi! Voici les dernières photos de nos chiots.
Citind cartea lui Ion Rațiu publicată încă din 1986 îmi dau seama că un titlu mult mai potrivit ar fi fost Comunismul Sfidează Lumea . Comunismul de tip rusesc a făcut cel puțin doi pui, unul în USA și celălalt la Bruxelles. Lașitatea șușotelii în online-ul lui 2016-2017. Instalare USB Modemul Huawei E3131 pe MacOSX 10.